Mrs. A Pics







Bemutatkozás: Welcome to our XHampster page. We are Mr. and Mrs. Angtangle (Mr. and Mrs. A, for short) a heterosexual couple from the United States. We have been married and together as a couple for almost 30 years. My biggest fan is Mr. A, and he has been taking pictures and videos of me for almost as long. He asked if I would mind him sharing some of his collection. I agreed and to my surprise, I found I liked sharing as well. I am very sexual and enjoy masturbation. I experience intense orgasms. My expressive vagina cannot hide its excitement. It increasingly engorges and pulses with each consecutive orgasm. With all this being said, I have been asked what I get out of being on this site or what I want out of being on this site. I love to chat (intelligent chat and roleplay chat are always fun). I watch porn; female on female dominatrix is a particular favorite. Other women like myself are always titillating. I have discovered that I am really an exhibitionist. I am making my own videos and taking my own pictures to share here alongside Mr. A’s. So here are my expectations for friendship (unless I requested friendship from you) You must have some or all the following: Your own content- This means your body or your partner’s body in the video. (I want to see you) Please try to have more than just a dick pick. Favorites (Videos and/or galleries): Please have something. Even better if I am among your favorites. 😊 Have information in your profile so I get to know more about you. Comments and direct messages also help me make the decision to add you. I am the one who answers most of the messages we receive. ~ Mrs. A. All materials, photographs, or videos posted, or available, in this profile, are subject to copyright laws and may not be redistributed, copied, or downloaded, now or in the future, by any media known or unknown. All violations of this are subject to legal action and/or criminal prosecution. Materials provided on this website are for entertainment and viewing purposes ONLY. Permission is not given to duplicate, download, or reproduce any materials herein. All rights are reserved under penalty of law.


Welcome to our XHampster page.

We are Mr. and Mrs. Angtangle (Mr. and Mrs. A, for short) a heterosexual couple from the United States. We have been married and together as a couple for almost 30 years. My biggest fan is Mr. A, and he has been taking pictures and videos of me for almost as long.

He asked if I would mind him sharing some of his collection. I agreed and to my surprise, I found I liked sharing as well.

I am very sexual and enjoy masturbation. I experience intense orgasms. My expressive vagina cannot hide its excitement. It increasingly engorges and pulses with each consecutive orgasm.

With all this being said, I have been asked what I get out of being on this site or what I want out of being on this site. I love to chat (intelligent chat and roleplay chat are always fun). I watch porn; female on female dominatrix is a particular favorite. Other women like myself are always titillating.

I have discovered that I am really an exhibitionist. I am making my own videos and taking my own pictures to share here alongside Mr. A’s.

So here are my expectations for friendship
(unless I requested friendship from you)
You must have some or all the following:
Your own content- This means your body or your partner’s body in the video. (I want to see you) Please try to have more than just a dick pick.
Favorites (Videos and/or galleries): Please have something. Even better if I am among your favorites. 😊
Have information in your profile so I get to know more about you.
Comments and direct messages also help me make the decision to add you.

I am the one who answers most of the messages we receive. ~ Mrs. A.

All materials, photographs, or videos posted, or available, in this profile, are subject to copyright laws and may not be redistributed, copied, or downloaded, now or in the future, by any media known or unknown. All violations of this are subject to legal action and/or criminal prosecution. Materials provided on this website are for entertainment and viewing purposes ONLY. Permission is not given to duplicate, download, or reproduce any materials herein. All rights are reserved under penalty of law.
Profil megnyitása

Mrs. A Személyes adatok

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