Ultimate fantasy would be walking into a bar with my girlfriend for her birthday with all her friends and family, when from the other side of packed beachside bar I hear a loud familiar whistle. It’s Mistress out with her own friends. She then asks the DJ to turn the music off a second so she can be heard by me …and unfortunately every single one of the bar’s patrons on hot humid summer’s night: “Get over here and lick the sand off my feet, it’s ok I got your collar, mutt!!! Girlfriend looks at me, but I’m already on all fours barking trying to get to mistress. I’m passionately sucking the dirt off my Mistress’ soles. Mistress almost oblivious to me as she casually carries on her conversation. Girlfriend so embarrassed in tears, some friends try to comfort her but she can tell most are sniggering at the shame. I’m way too owned to care, I’m doing MY job